Middle Daughter is a rock star! Actually, she’s more of a defender of the underdog, environmental crusading smarty pants, who happens to look like a super model-with a flair for fashion! She is kind, creative, hopeful and loving. She is pertinacious in some things, while remaining respectful and open-minded in others.
©1999 JT's HAND-A Neonatal Fund |
When Middle Daughter was born, she was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for 10 days. For a long time, I felt that she was so fragile-as if, like a helium balloon, if I didn't hold on tightly enough, she would just float away. I quickly learned that M.D. would have no part of my tight grasp.
When M.D. was 5, we were in Chicago celebrating Firstborn Daughter's Birthday. We were walking down Pearson Street and came upon a man who was (rather aggressively) soliciting. My instinct was to pull everyone close and keep on- keepin’ on (I know, I know-I'm not proud). The two oldest moppets grabbed onto my arms and started giggling nervously. As we continued to walk, Middle Daughter kept looking back at the man. After several steps, M.D. said, “Mama, that man needs some money, can I give him mine?” as she ran back and handed her money to him.
While in 2nd and 3rd grades, she learned 2 very valuable things from teachers. I really think these two lessons have molded how she sees the world!
Her 2nd grade teacher taught her that it is icky to lie to your apartment manager and say you don't have a cat when you do; and if you get caught with said cat, it's even ickier to try to guilt your students into taking your cat because you don't want to pay the pet deposit!
(Also known as the year M.D. learned how not to behave!)
In 3rd grade, her teacher taught her that it is a beautiful thing to give your lunch to another, but also that it is okay not to give away your lunch-especially when you're hungry! Nourishing yourself is not selfish!
Middle Daughter is one of the most determined people I have ever known. She doesn't let other people define her-if someone tells her she can't do something, she will prove to them that she can!

She has a fabulous sense of style!
M.D. wants to save the world! She is specifically passionate about the environment! I love that she is the #1 fan of the Director of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality! She gets all flustered and swoon-y when she talks to him-it's adorable!
(P.S.-M.D-thank you for letting that woman with one item go ahead of you in line at the store the other day! I saw that-way to go!)

She has a fabulous sense of style!
(P.S.-M.D-thank you for letting that woman with one item go ahead of you in line at the store the other day! I saw that-way to go!)