Thursday, August 11, 2011

Winner of Sammons Family Summer Games challenge #4-Family Dinner!

 Because we were out of town last week, we are doing last week's challenge this week! The challenge was to plan and execute a family dinner. Each team came up with a menu, shopped, prepared, served, ate and then cleaned up! They received a score for each of these steps (except eating-I was too busy enjoying my dinner to pay attention to that!)

Yippee, I may never cook again! Both meals were absolutely delicious! Epicuriously satisfying! (Okay, I must confess- I thought I just coined a new term-epicurean meets curious-clever right? How fitting for moppets turned loose in the kitchen? It turns out someone beat me to it! Oh well.)

Night one we feasted on potato skins, pepper-lime chicken, celery with dip and cheesecake cupcakes for dessert. YUM!

Night two was equally fabulous. We had spinach triangles, pizza pillows (they were named pizza bites, but they were so big we had to rename them) and two different types of kabobs-chicken and turkey. Followed by (after a post-dinner grocery run), Oreo milkshakes!

Scrummy, yummy! What a treat to enjoy great dinners two nights in a row-that never happens here! I should have made the challenge to plan and execute a week's worth of family dinners!

Okay, in reality, we were all winners in this challenge. We had equally delicious food both nights, but because this is a challenge, I had to determine a winner. It was very close and if I weren't trying to wear my big girl pants more often, I would have called it a tie.

And  the winner is...... the Kabobs team. They pulled ahead based on menu variety! So, let's hear it for the Kabobs! Woo-hoo!

All this judging is exhausting and I am really ready for a completely objective game, so the next challenge of the Sammons Family Summer Games is...

             a dance-off using the Wii game "Just Dance" (thank you Mimi for introducing us to the fabulous-ness of this game during our recent visit!)

Yay! I can't wait to not judge this!

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