Friday, March 9, 2012


I can't believe it has been over a month since I posted. Suddenly, time seems to be playing tricks on me. Things that happened a year ago, seem like just a few months ago, the details of the situation clear and fresh, yet I can't recall what I had for dinner last night-oh yeah, I remember now, I forgot to have dinner last night!

Lately, my world seems off-kilter, nothing specific has happened and I can't pinpoint what is off, but it seems like my entire world has been moved 1/2 inch to the left. It is absolutely discombobulating!

Several years ago (or was it several months ago?) there was a "Mad About You" episode where Jamie Buchman (Helen Hunt) and her sister Lisa Stemple (Anne Ramsay) accidentally switched handbags. The always organized Jamie was suddenly disheveled, out of sorts, an all-around mess, while perpetually disorganized Lisa suddenly had it all together. I feel like Jamie; as if someone switched handbags with me.

It is a slippery slope when things begin to veer off course. I am usually pretty laid-back and try to roll with things as much as I can, but I'm looking around my house, that is filled with souvenir items for a show youngest son is in right now (The Music Man) and notice the clean clothes that need put away, the clean dishes in the dishwasher, and the 465 pairs of shoes that need returned to various closets throughout the house. And I must admit, it feels totally overwhelming! Too overwhelming to even deal with.

This weekend is the final weekend of the show, after which the fabulous items and all their fixin's will be gone and I will be able to reclaim my home. I hope that helps and inspires me to deal with all the other stuff. I also hope that once I get everything back to "normal" my world will move back 1/2 inch to the right and someone will return my handbag!

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