Monday, July 7, 2014


Steadfast Definition
adj. adjective
  1. Fixed or unchanging; steady.
  2. Firmly loyal or constant; unswerving.
My go-to description of my husband is that he is steadfast. Sometimes, I feel bad that this is how I describe him. I mean it as the highest of all compliments, but the word itself sounds boring and sans flair.  It is within its meaning that I find love every day and, admittedly, a soupçon of envy-I wish that I was more steadfast. I try, but to paraphrase that old saying -the only thing consistent about me is my inconsistency.

Because Steadfast Husband is so steady, he allows me to close my eyes waiting for the "all clear" while he assesses a situation. This has pretty much been the way it's been since we met. He encourages me to stand on a chair/sofa/table until he catches the wayward lizard, spider, bug, fuzzy hairball (that I swear was smirking at me as it crept across the floor), he vets moppet injuries and describes them to me allowing me to decide if I am brave enough to take a peek, (we laugh/cringe that I was a science major with an eye on medical school when we met in college) and pretty much "allows" me to completely over-react to any and all situations while he remains...well, steadfast.

He is also the best gift giver in the world (and I am not just saying this because our anniversary is coming up and I'm trying to solicit a good gift!) When the occasion calls for a gift, he puts so much thought and effort into getting the recipient something they will treasure. He also has a file folder in his brain labeled "gifts" or "what someone said they liked once which will make a good gift sometime". I must admit that a person has to be very careful about what they say they like in front of him. It took me 20 years to realize that I should say, "I like it, but I don't want it" or I am likely to find it presented to me, wrapped with a bow. Or comment with precision, "I like the lines of that chair, but the color is hideous and I don't want one-or anything in that color. Ever." It runs in his family, my in-laws are very thoughtful gift-givers as well. For Christmas one year, my father-in-law picked out a vase for me because it had my sorority flowers painted on it. My mother-in-law never makes you feel like buying you a gift is on her "to do" list and she was just trying to get it checked off. It makes a person feel very special and celebrated. He has also passed it on to the moppets, which is awesome! (I am working on this too, but I think perhaps my procrastinating nature serves as a bit of a roadblock!)

One of my favorite things about him is that he does not judge others, not about "big" things or small (I honestly can't even get him to "dish" after a party about the person who walked around unaware of the pickled yam stuck to their face -it's a little annoying, but mostly sweet). He also loves unconditionally-not necessarily easily, but once he does love someone, it's without condition.

So when I say he is steadfast, these are the things I mean. But I've decided to spice it up a bit and next time someone asked me to describe my husband, I'm going to say he's steadfast... and hot! (and I hope that the moppets are within earshot because their embarrassment=priceless!)

1 comment:

  1. I think he's hot too! In truth, your Steadfast Husband is a gift from the Lord. He is a good man.
