Monday, December 19, 2011

Gingerbread fun!

Today, we began working on our gingerbread village. I know, that sounds fabulously elaborate, but in reality, it is the result of the desire to avoid teamwork. In an effort to make it through winter break with all the moppets in one piece, I opted for individual gingerbread creations, rather than endure the tension that comes from "working together" on one project.

When we moved to Virginia, we started making gingerbread houses. Like most things in our lives, it happened not by design, but by happenstance. We moved at the beginning of December and as I was making the rounds to the elementary school winter celebrations, Middle Son's teacher said to us, "I bet it's really hard to decide who does what on your family's gingerbread house, huh?" So, I mumbled, "Yes, we try to take turns." And I hurried everyone out the classroom door before my children could say, "what gingerbread house, Mom?"  Mentally, I noted, "In Virginia, everyone makes gingerbread houses." So...when in Rome, er eh, Virginia. Baby girl was 6 weeks old, and I knew no one, so I was staying close to home and had few diversions! "Make Gingerbread Structures" was added to the Holiday To Do list.

The creations are looking fabulous! Lots of creativity-and interesting insight to what each of the moppets feels is an important component of a village. I can't wait to see the finished products! In the meantime, I was on Pinterest today, looking for inspiration (I mean losing 7 hours of my day) when I saw something so funny and true that I had to laugh at myself-out loud, for a long time.
In my mind's eye, our gingerbread creations will look like this:

                                              Or even this!


But in reality-they will probably look more like this:

But I will still think they are FABULOUS! Ahhh, the beauty of love goggles!

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