In elementary school her teacher told me that when she was pressed for time, and her class wasn't understanding something, she would ask BG to translate it for the class because she was fluent in both adult and adolescence.
I love listening to her chat with her friends. They all have a similar essence, but they call her mom (in a loving, not snarky way ;) ) because she's always making sure everyone is tended to. They all give each other sound advice and steer one another toward doing the right thing-plus listening to them chat is like sitting in the front row of The Oprah Winfrey Show. One of her friends made a questionable choice the other night and asked BG not tell me. BG responded, "If you're asking me not to tell my mom, don't you think that's a sign that you shouldn't have done it?"
Anyway, all of that is to say, I haven't felt like I've had a really young child for a long time, but I am feeling nostalgic nonetheless.
Baby Girl has brought so much love, wisdom and sass to our family that I cannot even remember what it was like before she was here. She is creative, artistic, smart, beautiful, empathetic, and can dance like a boss! She is a justice warrior and stands up for what is right, even when she's standing alone. She is a light that burns bright and serves as a beacon to so many of her peers.
So please indulge me as a share a gazillion pictures that try, but fall short of capturing this magical girl of mine!

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