Friday, September 2, 2011

Heaven in a Bowl! Delicious Mango Sorbet

This is not a typical post for me, but I feel it is my duty to share this little piece of heaven with you! One day last week, I thought, "mango sorbet sure sounds tasty." Really, I did. And the thing about me is when I decide I have a hankering for something, there is no talking me down. My daughter had some yummy Häagen-Dazs Mango Sorbet a few days before and while I managed to resist the urge to knock her down and snatch it from her hand, it planted a seed of desire that had to be satiated.

I am trying to lose weight, so marching my potato to the store for Häagen-Dazs was out, but I decided I could make a healthier version that would satisfy both me and my thighs! Score! It turned out to be amazing and the recipe can be made sugar-free or sugar-full! My moppets kept trying to poach it from me (and really, I am just not very nice at sharing my food), so I knew it wasn't just my desperation that made me think it was tasty, those little angels of mine know the risk of taking Mama's food! And they chose to take that risk! Then my friend stopped by yesterday and I invited her to taste it-actually, I made a bowl for her, thrust it into her hand, and said "here, eat this, you will love it." And she did! So here is the recipe!

Erin's Mango Sorbet
3 1/2 C frozen mango chunks
1/3 C simple syrup (made with Splenda  and water-1 cup each-boil until Splenda is dissolved)
2 T fresh lime juice

chop frozen mango in food processor
dump mango into mixing bowl, add simple syrup and lime juice-mix well
put mixture back into food processor
puree until it looks like soft orange sherbet
store in a covered container (after you've done lots of tasting of course!) place in freezer, stir every hour (it's ready to eat after a couple of hours)
If it gets too hard in the freezer, you can put it all back in the food processor to soften.

Enjoy the deliciousness!

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