Tuesday, November 4, 2014

So Humbled.....

I kept trying to figure out a way to retell this exchange in my own words. Silly me! I realized that posting the following facebook message exchange as it happened was a much better idea. There was no way I could convey  my friend's heart better than her own words!

Message from my friend:
Hi sweet girl! I wanted to send you a message because you need to know something very cool I am a part of because I was inspired by Hart. I have begun a photography business on the side and recently began volunteering for a national group called "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep". This group takes photographs for families who have suffered the loss of a new born child. I was so moved at Hart's service by the beautiful pictures it planted a seed and I knew that some day I would do this. Today (March 2013) was my first chance to shadow one of the volunteers. Such a powerful experience. I just wanted to let you know that your son influenced me and who knows how many lives I will be able to touch as a result. Even though his time on this earth was a sprint and you so wanted it to be a marathon, God still used him to make a difference. I hope you and all of your littles ones are doing well!! Love, Mari

My response:
Wow! I am so overwhelmed! What a beautiful thing to do and what an honor to Hart! Do you care if I share this with others? I am feeling so humbled and touched right now-you have no idea!! Everyone should be so fortunate to touch others in such a special, what a blessing Hart was and continues to be and what a tremendous blessing you are and will be to these amazing families!

Response from my friend:
I would be honored if this would move anyone else. Share freely as you see fit! I enjoy seeing you and your beautiful family on FB and the cottage cheese!

All the words I know feel much too small to describe the awe and gratitude I felt when I read this...

property of Mari Hammond Sandifer

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