Sunday, July 24, 2011

And the winning musical duet team is.....

Today my precious moppets performed their musical duets, and boy, was it exciting, a nail-biter even! They made me laugh, they made me cry, they made me cringe (yay!). It was fun to see children who usually strive to be the center of attention, turn a little shy and self-conscious!

So prepare yourself for the musical stylings of the Sammons Siblings Singers! (Oh how I love alliteration!)

Team "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" (the children who have the most stage experience and thus had little cockiness that wasn't pretty) was very fun to watch! They starting laughing and couldn't stop-and then blamed me! I told them it was inadvisable to blame the judge for their mistakes! But to be fair, I did start laughing half-way through and couldn't stop! But you know, laughter is contagious and all that jazz and I only laughed because they did! (See, I can blame them, I am the judge!)

They did have some fabulous choreography, did they not?

Team "Don't Stop Believin" had a little difficulty because my 4th born didn't really want to participate in the competition. (But didn't make a substitution request until 2 days ago-thanks for that.) So the 4-year-old stepped in to pinch hit! Very sweet and only a little frustrating to her partner! But they pulled it together and did a great job! Actually the 4-year-old made appearances in both teams' performances and 4th born ended up not being able to stay away! You can enjoy him bopping up and down in the background of this next video!

Since Team "Don't Stop Believin" was able to pull it together (mostly by herself!) and overcome several annoying obstacles, and because she didn't laugh or get distracted by her partner(s)-I declare Team "Don't Stop Believin" the duets champ! (Plus, I ran out of ways to declare yet another tie-anyway, I am so over the whole "everyone gets a trophy" mentality that seems so prevalent these days!) Although Team "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" did receive an honorable mention for song-writing, they changed a few lyrics! (I may not believe everyone deserves a trophy, but I'm not heartless!)

And now for next week's Sammons Family Summer Games challenge! The teams will plan, shop for, prepare and serve dinner! (Did I mention that the challenge list and my to-do list are very similar?)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it!!!! Kudos to both teams. You seem to be having lots of summer fun with your adorable and multi-talented family! also loved the car-cookie baking post! Who knew??
