Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Should I end each blog post with a question?

Mere moments ago, on our way home from lunch, (actually, in the parking lot of the pet store waiting for our big girl to take our little girl in to use the facilities) my husband told me he had a great idea for my blog. It actually took him 10 full minutes of starts and stops, re-wording and serious how would "Dr. Phil word this?" consideration. (Yes, it was as painful as it sounds.) Finally, "most of the blogs I read have a question at the end of each post," he informed me, "it really makes it interactive and fun."  And bursting with pride, "wisdom" and love he suggested that I do the same.

I sweetly demurred (well, not really, I told him that it was a totally cheesy idea, but whatever). So I kindly explained to him that, while I really thought that I would rather not include such fun interaction in my blog, I would for sure end my next post with a question in his here you go...

Should I end each blog post with a question?