Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sammons Family Summer Games challenge #3 announced!

Okay, so we haven’t played or judged the parlor games from Sammons Family Summer Games challenge #2 because Papa Sammons doesn’t get back in the country until tomorrow and he was anxious to be involved in the judging. (I think he just really misses us!) But, not one to let grass grow under my feet (well, really I just kill grass-does that count?) I told the children the guidelines for the next challenge. And I am so excited I can hardly stand it!

They have each been assigned a song for which they will rework the lyrics, choreograph and perform (using karaoke version.)  And the songs are………………….. Summer Nights and You’re the One That I Want from Grease. (Now you see why we are doing some sibling friendly, age appropriate lyrics rewriting.) I was going for duets-and aside from Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey (the Glee version of course), this is all I could come up with!

 Is it wrong that I cannot even wait to see my beloved moppets do this? I am hoping it is fabulous and totally cringe-inducing at the same time (but in a good way)! Maybe they’ll even roll pretend paper cigarettes with baby powder inside so when they “smoke” them it looks like real-life (baby powder) smoke-and cigarette room fresheners!  (Not that my sister and I sang and acted out Grease-faux cigarettes and all- for the better part of the summer of ’78 or anything). Ahhh-the 70′s! Pretend smoking, accidentally inhaling baby powder "smoke"-good times!

Okay, I must interrupt myself because my 9-year-old just asked me if he could take a “gap year” before college-what the stink?!? When I asked him where he heard that, it turns out all my children have been talking to each other about whether or not they are taking a gap year! Huh?(Daniel Radcliffe? Prince William? Our Mormon friends?) Clearly these conversations have taken place in my absence (meaning while I was asleep I guess-because I really cannot recollect the last child-free awake moment I enjoyed). Apparently, my children would like to take a year to travel the world before they begin college. I think this is such a fabulously exciting idea-to be young, free, adventurous-that is so awesome! So, just as soon as the DNA test results from the Rockefellers get back, I’ll be sure to call the travel agent.

Hurray! Short attention spans prevail! Out with the gap year, in with singing challenge-off they go! Yippee, this challenge is going to be a hit! (Although I think I will need to tell them that the acoustics inside the house aren’t really adequate- detrimental even, and that they’ll need to practice outside to really make the most of this challenge!)

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