Saturday, July 23, 2011

Baking Cookies in the Car

Today we did something we have been wanting to do since we moved to Virginia over 4 years ago. We baked chocolate chip cookies in our car! Right there in our drive-way (on a baking tray.) I must admit that the idea was the best part, although the making (and sneaking bites of) the dough was fun and eating the cookies that we baked old-fashioned style, (in the oven)-yum! But the idea of putting something uncooked onto the dashboard of the hotter than hades car, then pulling it out cooked, was almost more than we could stand!
While waiting 2 hours for them to bake added to the anticipation (slightly), it also proved a bit annoying. "Almost done" in the car is at least 25 more minutes, as opposed to the 2 or 3 minutes in a conventional oven. The end product was tasty-ish until the novelty of eating food baked in the car wore off! Then they were just a gooey mess!

But you would never know they were less than perfect looking at these pictures! Don't they look delicious?

Baking cookies in the car was definitely worth doing and the teachable moments were innumerable (had I chosen to take advantage of them-but did I mention they took 2 hours to bake? I kind of lost my steam!) But we did learned one thing in spite of ourselves. If our oven breaks, and it's over 100 degrees out, and all the restaurants are closed, and all of our friends are out of town, and we are quarantined, we will not have to go without food! Because now we know how to bake food in our car! What an awesomely vital survival technique that my children now know! I'm sure they will use it often!

I love that the moppets were able to muster up excitement for the "Yay! They're ready" picture! They are clearly not the fragile flowers that their mother is!

What a fun way to beat (or join, I guess) the heat today!

One last picture- I can honestly say that I have never seen this happen in real life, in a John Hughes movie-perhaps, but real life-never! I have no idea how it occurred and the likely culprit was absolutely no help as she was totally oblivious to the entire event! She must have had a nacho in her hand and then she didn't. Everything is magical when you are 4 years old!
 (Yes, that is the wall, about 4 feet up!)

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