Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sammons Family Summer Games-parlor game judging-FINALLY

We finally recommenced the Sammons Family Summer Games last night.  It was time to play and judge the parlor game competition! We played two very (okay-I was honestly surprised) fun games! Both teams really brought their A games (pun intended!)

First, we played a board game based on the Harry Potter series. In spite of the fact I am probably the only person in the universe who doesn't "get" Harry Potter, I quite enjoyed the game! (I had to have A LOT of the back story explained to me as we played, but I graduated from "Hogwarts" first and actually won the game.) The only downside, according to the game's creators, was "what a bummer no one died." I decided not to take this personally and we ventured on to the next game!

The second game was a card game called "Pyramid". It was quite fun-very fast action! Everyone plays at the same time, grabbing cards, discarding cards- it was a hit! The winner of each round earns a letter, the first person to spell the word wins (although the rules called for the players to spell out Pyramid, we decided in the interest of me wanting to go to bed, we would just spell TUT-as in the Egyptian pharaoh-pyramids, King Tut-get it?).

My co-judge (Papa Sammons) and I decided to come up with several different categories in which to judge the games in order to highlight each team's strengths. We came up with 7 (+1 unplanned, but suddenly necessary category):
  1. over-all fun
  2. preparedness
  3. creativity
  4. understandability of directions
  5. ease of play
  6. marketability
  7. play it again desirability
  8. drama inducement factor (which counted as a negative and took away a "win" point)
Team Harry Potter won in preparedness, creativity, and marketability
Team Pyramid won in over-all fun, understandability of directions, ease of play, play it again desirability. Unfortunately, they also won in the drama inducement factor.

If you are keeping count, then you know that Team Pyramid won in 4 categories to Team Harry Potter's 3 wins. However, the enormous, screamin' Mimi, big fat, tantrum fit thrown by a member of Team Pyramid cost them a point-so they each had 3 official wins! (I felt quite generous not disqualifying Team Pyramid altogether!)

  Because I just happened to have my camera on hand to capture the parlor games event, I also just happened to capture, in all it's technicolor glory, the big fat fit! Now I have awesome blackmail leverage against the Team Pyramid fit thrower! Yay me!
It is true that an opportunity like this doesn't happen every day, and I know to be thankful and count my blessings. God has seen fit to supply me with the ultimate parenting tool. I promise that I will use it with reverence and respect and only when absolutely necessary in order to keep our fabulous daughter on the straight and narrow! (Or if there is prize money involved!)

This is the before picture of the fit thrower when she was still a giggler! This picture makes me smile-you've got to love the "live in the moment" joy of it-curlers and all!

There are only a few more days until the premiere of the duets competition! Yippee-it is looking quite promising! Check back over the weekend to see the videos of what promises to be some really awesome entertainment!

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